Pups' Lives Saved!
When we hear from our customers, who have been in accidents with their pups, we post their stories here for others to read.
Cheryl and her 11-lb. Min Pin Storm were in a serious front-end accident with injuries.
"Your product truly is a "pup saver".
8/12/23: "Good afternoon! I was in a car accident last week. Storm, my 11 lb. Miniature Pinscher, was in the passenger seat. I was injured during the impact and the front of the car was heavily damaged. Loose items in the vehicle also flew into the windshield. Storm was properly buckled into her PupSaver. She remained safe throughout the incident and I truly believe the PupSaver prevented her from severe injury or worse. Your product truly is a “pup saver”. The below link to the web has expired. If you send me a new link, I am happy to post an online review. Thanks again for saving my precious pup!
Best -Cheryl"
Angie and her 9-lb pup were rear-ended.
"It's all I could think about for hours afterwards. How thankful I was that she was in that car seat."
3/12/23: "I wanted to say thank you for making this car seat. I was rear ended and my dog was totally fine. I just got it this last Christmas too. Without it she would have been thrown and would had serious injuries. I am doing good just a little sore. More importantly she is completely fine.
Please share my story. It saved her from any injuries and possibly her life. She’s is tiny and only weighs 9 pounds. It’s all I could think about for hours afterwards. How thankful I was that she was in that car seat."
- Angie
Eve, her children and her Frenchie are ALL safe - thanks to PupSaver.
"I could not imagine what would’ve happened had she been loose in my truck."
11/28/21: "Hello there I am in a frenchie parent support group And I recommended your Pupsaver. The Sunday after Thanksgiving we were on our way home from our weeklong vacation in Washington and we’re only 20 minutes from home. When we were struck by a Range Rover from behind at 45 miles an hour and slamming us into the car in front of us. I myself 12 weeks pregnant, my 22 year old passenger in the front seat and my children in the backseats and our frenchie hooked to her pupsaver seat. We all were shaken. But my little girl was completely unharmed!!! I could not imagine what would’ve happened had she been loose in my truck. I am lucky for two things one being the Pupsaver saving my beloved French bulldog, and my 2021 suburban being a beast and protecting us all. To think everything could’ve been so much different. Thank you Pupsaver for a wonderful product. I am forever grateful!"
- Eve
Lynn Ended Up In The ER, Gracie Was Unharmed In Her PupSaver
"PupSaver Saved Gracie's Life"
From Lynn M., 11/10/21: "Gracie is a little 4 1/2 Chihuahua and she loves her car seat. We had just left our weekly dog training class and were only a few blocks away when someone ran a red light and hit my car hard enough to spin the car around and send me to the emergency room. Fortunately, my instructor was able to come to the accident site and get Gracie. She was in perfect shape and has suffered no ill effects from the crash. PupSaver saved Gracie's life."
Madeline Was T-Boned -- With Her Chihuahua Betsey in The Front Passenger Seat
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your pup car seat just saved my dogs life!"
11/6/21: We received a message from a customer who simply said "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your pup car seat just saved my dogs life!" She then attached the terrifying photos below:
Madeline continued, "She was safely buckled in her car seat and survived without a scratch".
We are so grateful that both Madeline and her little Betsey are OK!
Just a reminder that your dog can be safely buckled in the front seat, with you on your daily car trips, as long as they are in a PupSaver seat. Even side-impact accidents are no match for PupSaver's rear-facing catcher's mitt design. We stand by our claim -- there is truly no safer way for your pup to ride in the car.
Josie and Laney's trip home for Christmas could have ended tragically...
"If she had not been in that seat she would be dead."
From Josie M. - 12/24/18
"This is long but I wanted you to know exactly what happened. Crazy enough I was just in a terrible car accident. I had posted a picture of Laney in the Pup Saver on Saturday when we were headed home. We were heading to my parents in VA from Charleston SC. I had just taken the exit to my parents house and the roads are very dark right off of the exit for about 3 miles. A girl pulled directly out in front of me. I was going the speed limit which is 55 and It was like I hit Brick wall. Basically I did not see the vehicle until I crashed into her. There was no time to even touch the break. Five air bags went off in my car. I didn’t even know there were that many air bags in a car. I want you to know that my sweet Laney was perfectly fine, not a scratch on her due to being in the PupSaver. If she had not been in that seat she would be dead.
For me, I am pretty beat up from the air bags and the seatbelt but it definitely could have been much worse. My chest and back are in a lot of pain from the impact,shins are all scraped up and bruised, but am on pain and anti inflammatory meds.
My furbaby is perfect and I am so very thankful! . For her it was like nothing happened!
My vehicle and the other girls vehicle are totaled. She too had 2 dogs that made it through the wreck. I have no idea how? She had to be cut out of the car and air lifted to a trauma unit, but sounds like she is going to be OK. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Right after the car came to a stop the dust from the airbags was going off and I felt like I couldn't breathe and then I couldn't get my car door open. I seriously thought it was smoke and thought my car was going to explode. That was when I totally panicked. I ended up getting the car door open finally and a sweet guy ran up and stayed with me until help arrived. He kept us both calm. All I could think about was getting Laney out and safe.
Anyway, I just want you to know how very thankful I am.
Here are pictures that I took that night.
I made the ambulance wait on me so I could snap a few for you."
A photo of Laney that Josie took and posted on Facebook before leaving that day:
Josie later took a video of the extensive damage to her car, which illustrates the magnitude of this crash and how the PupSaver, in the front seat of the car with all 5 airbags deployed, was a fortress of safety for Laney:
Janet and Her Toy Poodle Baby's Story
"If she had not had it, she would have Not made it."
I Was Hit Head-On August 18 2017.
I had Baby in her PUPSAVER Car seat. If she had not had it, she would have Not made it. So for anyone who is skeptical, unfortunately we have the knowledge of what a wonderful product they created . I was hit head-on by a driver going 55 mph. I have 2 Toy Poodles & Two PUPSAVER Car seats & Harness.
- Janet H.
"THANK YOU PUPSAVER for saving Lyla and Rocket's lives."
*Updated - An UNBELIEVABLE 2nd accident occurred
On a beautiful sunny March morning this year - 2017, my therapy dog, Rocket and I were on our way to work at an area hospital. Rocket loves making rounds to the cancer center, the sickle cell clinic and 2 Medical – Surgical floors. But that day we did not make it to work – ANOTHER ACCIDENT!
I never imagined there would be another accident. And again, I can’t express how blessed I was to have Rocket, my toy poodle in his PUPSAVER Car Seat.
At a complete stop, yielding at an intersection to the Police racing by – BOOM. The car behind me did not see me nor heard the Police sirens and collided into the rear end of my car at 30 -35 mph. It was a tremendous impact throwing me forward and injuring my neck and shoulders. My car could be repaired but his was totaled and hauled away.
Most importantly my little guy was OK – very shaken up but safe. If he was not in his seat he could have been in the windshield. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to always secure your dog in the car. There is not a safer more comfortable way for my dogs to travel than PUPSAVER. I have 3 dogs – Lyla, my pup, in my first accident, Rocket in this one and Dandy. Each one of them ride safely and comfortably in their own PUPSAVER Seat. I would not have it any other way - they are my kids and deserve the best!
Original Post - Jayne and Lyla's 1st Accident (September 2015):

We were on our way to volunteer at an area hospital. Lyla, my papillon, is a therapy dog. We are a registered therapy team with Pet Partners and have been visiting at this hospital for years.
I secured the PupSaver in the front seat, then I put Lyla in her harness and fastened her into her seat.
It started as a routine visit day --- I purchased the PupSaver seat in February of this year. Lyla loves to going on therapy visits, but gets car sick. The only place she was comfortable and did not get sick was the front seat. PupSaver was the perfect solution for her comfort and safety. With both of us secure – off we went.
We were less than 5 minutes from home – 1 mile away - an intersection I have traveled thousands of times and it happened. All of the sudden --there was a truck that turned in front of me - I was going 30 MPH and could not stop in time ---- CRASH - the violent jerk, the sound of glass crushing and smell of the airbag deployment were the first thing I remember. The next thing was looking over and seeing Lyla bugged eyed and shaking staring up at me. She was just sitting there, what a wonderful sight to see her - just sitting there in her PupSaver seat – she was okay. She was safely tucked in her seat, protected from the airbags that deployed, or hitting the dash, or worse going full force into the windshield.
The car and I were not spared --- the car was totaled and I received numerous bruises and a broken leg. I got a new car and my leg will heal but I would never have recovered if anything happened to Lyla. She and her PupSaver seat– both unharmed - look great in the new car. We will be back visiting once my leg is healed.

I just got my pupsaver about two weeks ago- and murphy’s law, we just got rear-ended on the way home from dog beach. My 30 pound pup was in the front seat, and the pupsaver worked just like it was supposed to work- the seatbelt locked and my dog fell forward into the “catcher’s mitt” and seems to be no worse for the wear. I’m so grateful – and i’ve told ALL my friends. No damage to the pupsaver, it worked perfectly. I’m really just so grateful- my dog is in better shape than i am! I’m SO grateful not be spending the day in the vet’s office, or worse. And our accident was so minor- i can’t imagine if it had been worse. Your product is awesome and I will do everything in my power to promote it!
Thank you.
My husband and our lil Willow were in a head-on collision on Dec 1st. They both ended up in an ER and both came out a week later and healed from another driver’s distraction as he swerved into my husband’s car. Willow was in the passenger seat with no harness. She suffered more injuries than my husband did and we never would’ve forgiven ourselves if she didn’t make it. Her spleen was removed due to internal bleeding it endured from all the impact. Today, with no spleen, she is jumping around and begging for treats and doesn’t show any sign of the accident. We promised to find something that would ultimately protect her little soul. Enter the Pup Saver!! We have never taken her for a ride without it. Thank you for your super smart invention and we thank Gizmo for insipiring our love for our furry friends.
Willow sends her love as well.
Thank you!
Vets Love Us Too!!
Dr. Carver at Humane Animal Hospital in Plano, TX Loves The PupSaver and Recommends For All of His Patients (up to 45 lbs)!
Nothing on the market resembles the safety of a PupSaver...
... says Kelly Trogdon, doctor of veterinary medicine at Faithful Friends in Cumming, Georgia. “The Pupsaver ™ is unique because it cushions dogs in the event of a crash (or sudden stop). But even more importantly, it absorbs the unpredictable impact of a deployed airbag, which could injure or kill a little dog riding in the front seat.” Trogdon praises Bennett’s dedication to dogs and their safety. “During an accident you can’t care for your pet, and people are the top priority for emergency medical personnel,” says Trogdon. “Animals who don’t receive prompt care can become permanently traumatized. I routinely recommend medication, leashes and services, so I am excited to recommend the Pupsaver ™!!!”
- Dr. Kelly Trogdon
Faithful Friend Mobile Vet,
Atlanta, GA
And Vet Techs, Too!
A client of our animal hospital ordered a car seat for my new family member. As a veterinarian technician for 19 years I have used different ways to transport pets in the car. My adopted, blind Shih Tzu loves to travel in the car, but does not crate well. For some reason (probably from her past) she goes into a panic when shut in a kennel. I was using one of the old dog seats that hook over the seat and is a fleece box. It worked well, but offered no protection. I am very blessed to have wonderful people in my life, like my client, who saw my post on Facebook about this car seat. I had reposted it from an article I saw so that I would remember where to get them and to let others know about them. “Misses Magoo” loves her new ride. She gets right in and knew from day one this was her ride. I even used it for my rat terrier who is a nervous wreck in a car and I always can’t wait to get to work to get her out of the car and in this seat she was so quiet you didn’t know she was in the car. Awesome job creating this car seat. I love that it is light weight! The years in this job have not been kind to my back and this is so much easier than loading crates!
Yours truly,
Linda C.,
RVT Southwood Animal Hospital Atlanta, GA
Here's a special customer review, comparing PupSaver to the Center For Pet Safety Recommended Sleepypod Harness: